Creative coding is a powerful tool which allows one to create expressive and complicated structures for audio-visual artworks. This art practice where programming is used has started in 1960s and is widely used nowadays. During our 5-day long workshop we will focus on learning the visual side of the Max/MSP framework. Federico Foderaro will go through the basics of the Javascript programming language which can be used within Max/MSP. He will teach participants how to apply the code to create generative animation. By using the Jitter library and OpenGL API, which is embedded in MaxMSP, participants will learn to create 2D and 3D live visuals. We will analyze and create GLSL shaders, and use them to enhance the look and modify the shape of 3D objects. Moreover, we will build a satisfying simulation of real world mechanisms by exploring the physics section of the Jitter library. Also the OpenCV library will be used to see how it can be applied for interactive media installations. During final days of the workshop, participants will analyze strategies on how to link their visuals to a live audio composition, pre-recorded audio and Kinect sensor input. This allows one to create VJ sets, A/V performances and installations.
{ Day 1 } Fundamentals of Max/MSP for visuals. Introduction to: Jitter library, video and camera input, OpenGL API in Max. Introduction to the jit.gen environment.
{ Day 2 } Introduction to JavaScript for visuals. Introduction to shaders.
{ Day 3 } Audio interaction with visuals. Building complex structures.
{ Day 4 } Interfacing with Kinect. Analyzing the physic simulation library, analyzing the OpenCV library.
{ Day 5 } Applying the gained knowledge to create audio-visual performance, installation.
{ Requirements }
You will work on your Mac or PC computer. Additionally you will need to instal software and bring hardware:
– Mac or PC Computer
– Software Max/MSP
– Headphones
– MIDI controller (optional)
{ MaxMSP }
MaxMSP is a software development framework using visual paradigm and runs on Mac and PC computers. It provides interactive programming and it is made for creating custom applications dealing with signals and sound, generating video and visuals and much more. From generating to processing, MaxMSP can handle any kind of data and can connect everything from data networks to sensors, DMX and any serial devices using USB (including Kinect). It offers a proper and stable environment in which one can map everything to everything. With all its features, MaxMSP is used by artists, sound and visual designers, researchers. It is one of the most used frameworks for designing custom systems for live performances, art installations, scientific prototyping, experimental environments and interactive applications. MaxMSP is a software developed by Cycling’74 and is used by Autechre, Monolake, Skinnerbox, Julien Bayle and many more audiovisual artists.
Feredico Foderaro is an Italian artist and programmer working with sound, visuals and data.
While maintaining a clear structured form, he tends to create works that have a strong sensorial impact. He expresses himself with creative coding which is the best way to combine all of the technological and cultural revolutions that we are experiencing today. Federico believes programming offers artists the freedom of expression in the art and technology fields.
He graduated from the Conservatorio Licinio Refice of Frosinone (Italy) with the highest honors in electronic music composition studies. Federico was one of the eleven finalists to receive the Visual Music Award of Gelnhausen.
He is known for his YouTube channel “Amazing Max Stuff” where he gives tutorials on MaxMSP software with the focus on creating visuals. Currently Federico is writing a book on this topic for the Contemponet editor house and is working with the software developer collective Isotonik – producing Ableton Live devices, as well as working as an assistant of the Generative Arts class at the UDK of Berlin.
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Past projects:
{ Curated by }
Irina Spicaka
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